Pagi ini saya mendapat email mengenai acara APSAT 2011 yang sudah saya tunggu-tunggu semenjak awal tahun ini. Alhasil karena saya bukan lagi anggota ASSI (student member) dan sudah menjadi pegawai salah satu perusahaan satelit di Indonesia, maka saya kemungkinan besar hanya terima kabar saja :).
Bahasan pada 2011 nampaknya akan lebih semarak dari APSAT tahun lalu dilihat dari banyaknya panelis dan lamanya acara yaitu 1.5 hari. Hadir juga bahasan dari INSPIRE dan IiNusat-nya di acara tersebut. Semoga momen tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan untuk meningkatkan utilitas satelit di kawasan Indonesia.
Berikut adalah detil informasi acaranya:
APSAT 2011
Delivering Broadband Access to Anywhere
Le Meridien Hotel, 15-16 June 2011
The APSAT 2011 is the 10th ASSIs consecutive annual international conference series on the satellite communication aspect and it is a remarkable annual event in Indonesia and it is being acknowledged, recognized and endorsed by international telecommunication societies, professionals and government institutions. ASSI (Asosiasi Satelit Indonesia) or (the Indonesian Satellite Association) is an inclusive non-profit organization, based in Bandung, established in 1998, to promote and encourage the satellite industry, including the satellite community development in Indonesia, through national-international multi discipline collaboration; and to address wide range satellite related issues.
The APSAT 2011 is the 10th ASSIs consecutive annual international conference series on the satellite communication aspect and it is a remarkable annual event in Indonesia and it is being acknowledged, recognized and endorsed by international telecommunication societies, professionals and government institutions. ASSI (Asosiasi Satelit Indonesia) or (the Indonesian Satellite Association) is an inclusive non-profit organization, based in Bandung, established in 1998, to promote and encourage the satellite industry, including the satellite community development in Indonesia, through national-international multi discipline collaboration; and to address wide range satellite related issues.